Shop // Marken // JOES Dichtmittel // FE-500.085B




Joes E-Bike + Commuter Dichtgel 240 ml (Dichtmittel)

Karton/Box mit 12 Flaschen

Entwickelt speziell f?r E-Bike und Commuter-Fahrr?der.

Preisvorteil von 8 % beim Kauf einer ganzen Box
Gewicht 240 ml
Made inIsrael


Joes E-Bike Commuter Gel

Entwickelt speziell f?r E-Bike. Neue Rezeptur, speziell f?r E-Bikes und Pendler-Fahrr?der entwickelt. Fasergel-Dichtmittel nur f?r Fahrradschl?uche.

Unterst?tzen Sie den hohen Druck und die verl?ngerten Kilometer von Pendel-E-Bikes.

Enth?lt Mikrofasern, um Einstiche in der Lauffl?che von bis zu 3 mm zu verschliessen.

Un?bertroffene Langlebigkeit - h?lt bis zu 3 Jahre im Schlauch.

Lange Haltbarkeit bis zu 3 Jahren.

Ungiftig, langlebig und einfach durch das Ventil einzuf?llen.


Let s talk about sealants and its working principles. Using sealant in your bicycle wheels has many advantages and it doesnt matter if you ride as a vehicle or for fun. Many curious people frequently asks how does it work?

In order to understand how it works, we need to examine the two main components of the sealant. The first one is the milk, a white liquid (thats how it got its nickname), contains one or more dissolved rubbers in water.? The other component is the sand which is a combination of small particles and fibers. The sand is solid and named like that by its look at the bottom of the bottle.

The idea behind many great inventions is simple and it is also true in this case. Inside the sealed tire the pressure is high (30-100 PSI) while the pressure outside the tire is lower (atmospheric pressure, 14.7 PSI), this differential pressure is the driven force of the sealing system. When a leak occurs because a sharp object (a nail for example) the high air pressure inside the tire pushes the sealant and the air through the hole. When the sealant arrive to the leaking hole the milk and the sand blocks it and seal it permanently.

For the sealant to work properly some conditions need to exist:

  • Both components of the sealant must be inside the wheel in a proper ratio during all time.
  • Proper amount of sealant per wheel.
  • The air pressure inside the tire need to be between the right ranges.
  • The operating temperature must be in the specific range of the product.
  • The size of the holes in the tire must be between the smallest to the widest hole the sealant can seal.
  • The sealant must reach to the air leaking hole.
  • Video


    Versand nur m?glich innerhalb CH und FL.


    Shop // Marken // JOES Dichtmittel // FE-500.085B